Parents Corner


Parental Involvement


Parents should keep open the communication between home and school, informing school of any changes at home that may have an effect upon your child’s performance in school.

Education happens everywhere.

Parents and Families are a child’s first teacher…
Remember education should never be limited to school hours. It should extend to the time spent at home also, to help reach the height of his/her potential.



P188X School Leadership Team

Parent Association

Parental involvement is a key component of our school. A variety of events are held throughout the school year to promote parental involvement.

Parent Associations play an essential role in our schools. They provide leadership and direction to parents seeking to become more involved with their children’s education and within the school community. A school’s Parent Association is a good place for parents to find out what’s happening in that school. Through involvement in their Parent Association, parents can learn how their school operates and discover a network of people committed to their children's school. You can also visit this link to learn more about what Parent Associations work and what they can do for the school.

 Parent Association Executive Board Member 

P188X Parent Association Executive Board Members

Workshops for Parents of Students with Special Needs

Workshops for Parents of Students with Special Needs

There are a number of available workshops for parents that are available on a school, district, and central level.

District 75 offers a calendar of parent workshops that you can register for online.

Find an upcoming workshop. Call 212-802-1685 to register for/to get additional information about workshops.