Cluster Classes


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Our elementary art program is designed to enrich and engage scholars on the autistic spectrum. Instruction is based on the NYC Blueprint for the Arts, which provides a curriculum that is both exploratory and rewarding. Scholars are em-powered to express themselves in various art forms, including painting, drawing, printmaking, collage and sculpture. Exposure to artists, art concepts, elements and principles of design, are at the core of the curriculum.

Field trips to art museums are also a culminating experience that creates learning opportunities outside the classroom. With value placed on visual awareness, scholars gain a better meaning of their artwork and artwork of others.

Annually, scholars are challenged and encouraged to enter art competitions. As a result, our program has some of the most talented group of chosen finalists throughout NYC DOE. Their work has been showcased at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Bronx Museum, Pratt Manhattan Gallery, The VSA Calendar and Lehman College Art Gallery to date.


Physical Education

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Dance And Movement Class

On the 4th floor of our school is our dance and movement classroom. Students will experience a high energy learning environment that includes activities such as performing choreographed dances, participating in movement games and listening to a variety of music genres. Our goal is to provide our students the opportunity for physical development, creativity and self expression.

Twice a year our students will take the stage to display their hard work and talent. The shows are truly inspiring to see and as they are a reflection of our students great success.

Adapted Physical Education

At X188 the Mission of the Adapted Physical Education program for the 2015-2016 school year was to provide students with disabilities accommodations necessary for equal and effective participation in Physical Education experiences. As Adaptive Physical Education instructors we believe that our students at X188 should be exposed to a variety of physical activities throughout the school year.

Many of our activities are designed and modified to effectively develop our students fundamental gross motor skills, and patterns with activities such as walking, running, jumping, skipping, catching, and throwing. Students have also been exposed to group games and modified sports such as Basketball, Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, and Football.

Students of all grades have made tremendous strides since September and continue to improve dramatically moving forward. The effort amongst myself, and my colleagues has made this school year an exceptional one, in which I feel all our students have grown and developed their individual psychomotor, cognitive, and affective abilities.

Mr. Matera
Adaptive Physical Education Teacher


Science icon 

Urban Advantage logo

Urban Advantage is a city council-funded organization designed to improve middle school students understanding of scientific inquiry. They achieve this by providing top quality professional development as well as class trip vouchers to NYC middle school teachers at NYC's prime science institutions: zoos, botanical gardens, museums and science centers. Students are shown how to collect data and gather research at these institutions in order to complete a long term science investigation. UA schools receive an annual stipend to use toward science materials/supplies.

P188X has been a UA school for the past 10 years. This has contributed greatly to our science program as well as the learning demonstrated at our annual STEM fair.

Music Program

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Music/Theatre @MS301

The Music/Performance classes at P188x@MS301 have evolved in recent years into an all-inclusive program that integrates regular classroom learning with instruction in public presentation, music, song, and stage presence. Music and art teachers coordinate with classroom teachers to address issues of self-expression by identifying student abilities, and increasing the students’ articulation of their own various ideas and natural talents.

The music/performance classes at P188x stress a wide range of vocal and presentation skills which work toward building communication skills, which has an positive effect on all of the students’ educational endeavors.

We start instruction as students come in the door at the beginning of the school day. The music/performance teacher greets each student with a firm handshake and the exercise of social skills. All students are reminded throughout the day to speak as clearly as possible, loudly, and with a crisp diction.

Most classrooms meet for Music/Performance class twice a week, in our music room, which is currently located on a floor separate from the regular classrooms, so students can use drums, electric and acoustic guitars, keyboards and vocal microphones with uninhibited enthusiasm.

Student voices and student choices are always encouraged and welcomed. We sing songs that range from the rock and roll era and standards our grandparents sang through to modern songs the students hear every day. We sing the songs that come from various social and historical movements and connect those songs to our history.

We work to create an environment that connects students to each other and to all their teachers. Music performance classes differentiate and address the full range of students’ abilities. Expectations for learning and for good behavior are high. Students work with modern band instruments (guitar, bass, keyboard, drums and vocals). We have multi-track recording equipment available and some students have recorded songs that are fully produced.

P188x has two to three full school assemblies on the main stage in the school auditorium each school year. We also have full school assemblies that feature math skills (Pi Day), a spelling bee and a poetry slam.

The school has received substantial grants from Little Kids Rock Foundation, AmpUpNYC and Teacher’s Choice Foundation that have let us add considerably to our performance equipment.

Media Studies & Computer Technology

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Students will explore and apply technology to create works using multimedia resources such as literature, video, music, digital and recorded materials and using the internet.

There will be an emphasis placed on learning appropriate social skills to navigate multimedia based on Digital Citizenship resources from the Common Sense Media curriculum and These resources compliment P188X Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies supports through learning, identifying and reinforcing appropriate behaviors.

The development of skills will be supported using augmentative and alternate communication resources when appropriate to facilitate access to communication. Students will have opportunities to integrate skills learned to plan, conceptualize and produce authentic work using desktop computers, smartboards, iPads, digital cameras, recorded books and other media.

Adapted Physical Education

Adapted Physical Education is physical education for students with disabilities. Adapted physical education focuses on modifying student's fitness, gross motor, and perceptual motor abilities so that students can reach their fullest potential through physical education activity.

Adapted physical education means a specially designed program of developmental activities, games, sports, and rhythms suited to the interest, capabilities and limitations of students with disabilities who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the regular physical education program. Adapted physical education may be provided to any child who has a unique need in physical education.


Students will explore the world of woodworking through hands on projects. They will learn general shop safety rules as well as safe handling of common woodworking tools and stationary machines.

Projects will incorporate hands on problem solving. Students will work individually and in groups.

Creative thinking will be fostered along with Imagination and cooperation. Connections to other subject areas and the community will be made at every opportunity.

We are currently building a replica of an antique grandfather clock. We will create a book documenting the process. We are also building a step stool that each student will be take home upon competition.